Let's Start at the Very Beginning

Where did Aromatherapy even begin? The use of plants for human benefit goes way way back. “……

"There is virtually no people known to anthropology – however remote, isolated, or primitive – in which some form of doctoring with plants was not practiced.” Barbara Griggs, The Green Pharmacy

Hmm interesting. In our country we seem to downplay nature's abilities. But why? There are written records dating back to the Sumerians at least 5000 years ago, Mesopotamian civilizations dating to the second millennium B.C., and  Egyptians dating to around 3000 B.C. Ancient India was particularly active in medicinal plant recording 290 species. Not to mention the Chinese who we can date back to using plants for medicine to 3000 B.C. (they were already using 350 herbal remedies). I could go on and on. Cool though, right?

Then Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans became well known for their aromatic plant and extract use. Egyptians used them for medicine, food preservation, religious ceremonies and embalming the dead. The Greeks are thought to have learned from the Egyptians. Hippocrates, a greek physician, said, "the way to health is to have an aromatic bath and scented massage every day". I agree! If I did that every day life would be good. 

Then in the middle ages they used aromatics to defend against the bubonic plague! Aromatics were used in the streets and homes to protect from infection. Some say that perfumers were mostly immune to the plague...hmmmm that's pretty amazing. 

In the 18th Century essential oils were used extensively and research was being done to determine their medicinal properties. In the 19th century the family doctor was established and in 1887, there were published studies showing anti-bacterial, and anti fungal properties of many essential oils. 

Since then a lot has changed. There are varying qualities of essential oils out there! Some claim to be therapeutic, pure etc... but may not be. Aromatherapists are working to clarify what Aromatherapy really is about! Of course it is fun to have your house smell nice, but Aromatherapy is about more than that. Some will use poor quality oils, find they don't work and discredit aromatherapy. I did that years ago with tea tree essential oil! Then when I tried the real deal, I was amazed. 

Respect the world's plants and their abilities. If you are interested in using essential oils, be careful! They are powerful. That is why I am doing what I'm doing. There are hundreds of oils to know. I'll take care of it for you. No need to worry if the dilution is ok or what safety precautions you need to take. I'll let you know. Just don't put poor quality essential oils on your skin! Our skin is an organ and absorbs everything you put on it. I'm here to help you all support your body, mind and spirit safely with these amazing gifts from nature. 


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