Glass vs. Plastic

Posted by Katie Carter RN, Certified Aromatherapist on Nov 29th 2017

Have you ever wondered why most aromatherapy products are in glass bottles? There is a very good reason! No it isn't to increase the cost or make them look fancy...Essential oils are very powerful, and one of the things they do is break down plastic. I take this very seriously! If the product goes on your skin it should be packaged in plastic. Beware of any aromatherapy products in plastic. Especially products that are meant to go on your skin. The other important thing is to make sure the products are in a UV protected bottle such as amber or blue glass. Sunlight will break down essential oils and decrease their effectiveness.
Yes glass costs more, but the last thing you want is broken down plastics being absorbed in your skin. Holistica Botanicals is working on a recycling program to decrease waste and save repeat customers some cash! We will be giving a discount on a "refill" of any of our products that are packaged in glass bottles.
In the future you may see cleaning products packaged in plastic bottles that are BPA free. This is because these products are not meant for use on your skin. They will be able to be made in glass if requested for an additional cost. Cleaning products are the only thing that I make in plastic in my home. The choice is yours!


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