The Power of Lavender

Posted by Katie Carter RN, Certified Aromatherapist on Nov 29th 2017

It seems that Lavender Lavandula angustifolia is one of the most well known essential oils. Why not show it some love and tell you all what makes it so amazing!!! The healing powers of Lavender essential oil started in July of 1910 when the Gattefosse family, active in the perfume business in France, had a laboratory explosion. Rene-Maurice sustained burns to his hands and scalp. He treated the burns with Lavender Essential oil and noticed that his skin healed quickly and that the pain was eased from this oil. Lavender was also used to protect against the plague in the Middle Ages as well as scenting laundry. In latin 'Lavo' or 'Lavare' means to wash or bathe, appropriately named after it's use for scenting laundry. Mmmmmmm. In Iranian folk medicine it is used for various inflammatory diseases.

Lavender is rich in Monoterpenes and Esters which give it the wonderful properties of: being gentle on the skin, Stress-modulating, immune enhancing, Anti-inflammatory, balancing, antispasmodic, nervous system tonic, and calming and sedating to the central nervous system.
So you see. One could ask, "why don't you use Lavender?" Aromatherapy is about more than the smell. These essential oils all have chemical make ups that determine their ability to provide a multitude of benefits. The quality matters. Low quality essential oils do not have the same make up, therefore do not have the same action. This is why my "Soothing lip balm" is not just soothing to the lips. It is soothing to the mind as well. You will see this essential oil in many different products I make and with the holistic framework, it is always about more than scent ;) In this busy world with so much going on, when in doubt smell the Lavender.


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